
Your Privacy


Top Questions
  1. How do I order?
  2. How long does delivary take?
  3. How Do I find what I'm Looking for?
  4. What is the status of my order?
  5. How do I exchange an item?
At LoadUp.com, we are committed to protecting your privacy. We use the information we collect about you to process orders and to help us decide on what merchandise to carry in the future.

Will LoadUp.com disclose my information to outside parties?
LoadUp.com does not sell, trade, or rent your personal information to any others.

What and How do you use the my information?

  • When you place an order, we need to know your personal name, address, e-mail name, and credit card number. This allows us to process your order and to notify you if there is a problem with your order.

  • Your puchases shape our recommendations to the purchasing department for future merchandise . 

  • We also monitor annoymous customer web-site traffic patterns help us improve the design of the web store. And Also, to eliminate potential bottle necks or errors in the web store pages.

Tell us what you think
LoadUp.com welcomes any comments or recommendations you have about privacy. Please e-mail us.


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